About us


Rohi means ‘Soul’; one that is pure and has no end. It symbolizes our work and its benefits, which are pure and never ending. We value life and that sums up everything about us. It all starts with a caring heart. Life survives and thrives with good nurturing and that is what we do. We are a helping hand that leads the helpless out of difficulties and hopelessness.

Pulling people out of poverty begins with an access to good education, imparting work skills, and healthcare.


Our mission is to fight poverty in emerging markets by investing in people and businesses.


‘Sustainable change in emerging countries can be realised when social impact and financial returns are combined’.


Our dream is to have no more poverty in the entire world (in which case Lendahand will not exist anymore).

Core values

  • Impact driven
  • Fair and transparant
  • Team-focused
  • Self-improving
  • Entrepreneurial

Pulling people out of poverty begins with access to good education, imparting work skills, and healthcare.

We are a tech-for-good platform that provides complete crowdfunding solutions to empower individuals, NGOs and social enterprises to raise funds for medical emergencies, personal needs, creative projects or any social cause – be it big or small. We aim to bring together generosity with need to maximise people’s potential to do good.

As a team, we assist, innovate, collaborate and support anyone who wants to use crowdfunding to make a positive difference. On any given day, you will see us talking to campaigners, writing their stories, making the platform more functional, reaching out to more NGOs and disbursing funds. We believe we can change the world – one fundraiser at a time.

We see ourselves as a forward looking group of passionate property professionals with the relevant experience to match.